30 Auto Insurance Content Topics for Insurance Agents

A man looking at an iPad with a photo of a classic car at an insurance agency.

As an insurance agent, you are in a highly competitive business where every lead and bit of attention counts. In today’s digital age, creating quality content is a must for any insurance agent looking to attract their ideal prospect and increase their client base.

Why is content creation so important for insurance agents? Because it helps attract traffic and prospects, create client loyalty by establishing topical authority in their niche, and provides a place for consumers to find answers to their questions. One of the golden rules of marketing in any industry is that consumers want to work with businesses that educate. Here is your oppourtunity to do just that. 

By creating informative articles, blog posts, and other types of content, you can become a trusted source of information for your clients and prospects. This can go a long way in building credibility and trust, which is crucial in the insurance business that is so relationship and trust based.

In this article, we will explore 30 auto insurance content topics and ideas for insurance agents. These ideas will help you create quality content that is not only informative but also engaging and shareable in an extremely competitive area.

Please remember that these are questions consumers are asking. They may not be as well versed in auto insurance as you are being an professional agent. It is your job to take their questions and properly educate them. Please feel free to copy these questions and create any content you would like. Your potential clients will appreciate it!

  1. What can you do to reduce your auto insurance premiums?
  2. Does raising your car insurance deductible save you money?
  3. What is the fastest way to lower car insurance?
  4. What are 3 factors that lower your cost for car insurance?
  5. Does credit score affect insurance rate?
  6. What causes high car insurance premiums?
  7. Is it better to have a 6 month or 12 month auto policy?
  8. Is it cheaper to pay car insurance annually or monthly?
  9. What is a good collision deductible?
  10. Is it better to have a high or low deductible?
  11. What is the downside to haveing a high deductible?
  12. Does a higher deductible mean a lower premium?
  13. Should I lower my collision deductible?
  14. What does it mean when you have a $1,000 deductible?
  15. Does good credit lower car insurance?
  16.  What is the cheapest form of car insurance?
  17. What US city has the highest auto insurance rates?
  18. Are less expensive cars cheaper to insure?
  19. What makes a car more expensive to insure?
  20. Is it cheaper to insure a car or SUV?
  21. Are old or new cars more expensive to insure?
  22.  What is the best liability coverage amount?
  23. How much more is full coverage vs liability? (Great opportunity to explain “Full Coverage”)
  24. What type of auto insurance is mandatory in (enter your state)?
  25. What is typical liability coverage?
  26. What happens if the person at fault in an accident has no insurance?
  27. What does liability insurance cover?
  28. How much uninsured motorist coverage do I need?
  29. Is liability coverage required in all states?
  30. What is the most common car insurance deductible?

… Not surprising the most common questions asked recently are about rates and saving money. Especially with carriers  exponentially raising rates the last couple of years. This is a great oppournity to address their concerns and build value in your brand!

 The examples above are a good start that you can use for your content if you wish. However, you are going to need to consistently create and publish content to rank and stay in front of your target audience. Especially with the competitiveness of auto insurance keywords

To begin, you should conduct an in-depth keyword research on your specific niche (Auto Insurance, Boat Insurance, Contractors Insurance, etc.). This will help you to understand what people are searching for and what type of content will be most useful to them. If you need help finding out what keywords are worth creating content around, or simply crave efficiency in your process, you can signup with SEMRush. SEMRush is a comprehensive keyword research tool that has everything you need for quality keyword researching.

Additionally, you visit AlsoAsked.com and search what questions are being asked around your niche keywords. This will give you a wealth of ideas for content that you can create to answer those questions. 

Once you have completed your research, you can start implementing and creating a content calendar that answers those questions found on Alsoasked.com. Your content can take many forms, including blogs, YouTube videos, newsletters, guides, tools, checklists, infographics, and more. By providing valuable and informative content to your target audience, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry and attract more prospects and traffic to your website. So, start creating content today and reap the rewards of a successful content marketing strategy!