40 Life Insurance Content Topics for Insurance Agents

Woman presenting laptop with photo of life insurance policy

Today’s successful marketing plans must incorporate content production to compete in the digital era. When it comes to acquiring and keeping clients, insurance agents can no longer afford to discount the significance of consistent, quality content. Insurance agents can develop into trusted industry experts and grow their clientele by publishing useful material that directly solves the problems faced by their ideal customers.

Why is content creation so crucial for insurance brokers, though? First of all, it can drive prospective clients to their agency’s website, increasing leads and conversions. Also, by displaying topical authority in their market and giving customers a place to find solutions to their problems, it can also foster unbreakable client loyalty.

Insurance agents should undertake keyword research on their particular specialty (such as auto insurance, boat insurance, contractor’s insurance, etc.) to find the topics and queries that their potential prospects are actively searching for in order to optimize the benefits of content creation. As a result, they will be able to develop a content schedule that responds to these queries and takes into account the demands of their intended target audience.

With all of that being said, we have created a list for life insurance agents on 40 topics we are seeing consumers ask. Please remember that these are questions consumers are asking. They may not be as well versed in life insurance as you are being an professional agent. It is your job to take their questions and properly educate them. Please feel free to copy these questions and create any content you would like. Your potential clients will appreciate it!


  1.  Are Whole Life Polcies worth it?
  2. What are the 2 most common types of Life Insurance?
  3. Which type of life insurance grows in value?
  4. What is the difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance?
  5. What happens when you outlive a term life insurance policy?
  6. What is the downside to term life insurance?
  7. Can you cash out a term life insurance policy?
  8. What life insurance can you cash out?
  9. What age should I get life insurance?
  10. How long does term life insurance last?
  11. When should you switch from term to whole life insurance?
  12. Which life insurance has cash value?
  13. Is it better to have more than one life insruance policy?
  14. How much does $1,000,000 in life insurance cost?
  15. How do I choose the best life insurance policy?
  16. Which life insurance is better, term or whole?
  17. What is Term life Insurance?
  18. What is the advantage of term life insurance?
  19. What is the downside to term life insurance?
  20. Is it worth having term life insurance?
  21. What does a 20 year term life insurance policy mean?
  22. Does Term life insurance go up every year?
  23. Is it hard to get Term Life Insurance?
  24. What are the top reason to buy term life insurance?
  25. Is life insurance worth it after 50?
  26. What is the minimum age for whole life insurance?
  27. What is a good amount for life insurance?
  28. How does life insurance work?
  29. What are the benefits of life insurance?
  30.  How much life insurance would you obtain if your income was $60,000
  31. Is it better to pay life insurance annually or monthly?
  32. Is it good to have life insurance?
  33. What are the disadvantages of employer life insurance?
  34. What disqualifies a life insurance payout?
  35. Can you have two life insurance policies?
  36. How much life insurance should a person have?
  37. What happens if you don’t pay back a life insurance loan?
  38. Why life insurance through your job may not be enough?
  39. What factors in the cost of life insurance?
  40. How soon can I borrow against my life insurance policy?

To accelerate content creation efforts, insurance agents can also use online tools such as AlsoAsked.com along with a comprehensive Keyword Research tool like SEMRush to identify the relevant questions and topics in their target niche. They can then create a mix of content formats such as blogs, videos, newsletters, guides, checklists, and infographics to engage their audience and establish their authority in their niche. By adopting a proactive approach to content creation, insurance agents can attract more prospects, retain existing clients, and grow their agency’s brand. Of course nothing happens overnight and you have to be consistent to see results with your content. So don’t wait any longer and start creating today for large dividends tomorrow!