Boost Your Business Productivity: 3 Must-Read Books for Entrepreneurs

A person typing on a laptop keyboard, focusing on work and productivity.

As a small business owner, you know that time is money. Every minute spent on unproductive tasks or distractions is a minute lost that could have been spent growing your business. That’s why productivity is one of the key factors to success, and why it’s essential to have the right tools and strategies in place to help you and your team stay focused and efficient.

In this article, we’ll explore three must-read books on business productivity that every entrepreneur should have on their bookshelf and be re-visiting regularly. From learning how to cultivate deep focus and concentration to mastering the art of prioritization and time management, these books offer invaluable insights and actionable tips to help you boost your productivity and take your business to the next level.

Book #1: Deep Work by Cal Newport

Length: 304 pages or 7.5 hours for audio book

Key Takeaways: In Deep Work, Cal Newport argues that the ability to concentrate deeply on cognitively demanding tasks is becoming increasingly rare in today’s distracted world. He offers practical advice on how to cultivate a deep work habit, including strategies for minimizing distractions, scheduling uninterrupted blocks of time for focused work, and developing a ritualistic approach to concentration.

Why it’s a must-read for Entrepreneurs: As a small business owner, your time is your most valuable asset. Deep Work offers practical advice on how to cultivate the kind of deep focus and concentration that is necessary for tackling complex tasks and achieving your business goals. By learning how to minimize distractions and cultivate a habit of deep work, you can increase your productivity, creativity, and effectiveness as an entrepreneur.

Book #2: Hyper Focus by Chris Bailey

Length: 256 pages or 6.5 hours for audio book

Key Takeaways: In Hyper Focus, Chris Bailey offers practical advice on how to improve your concentration and focus in order to get more done in less time. He explores the science behind focus and attention, and offers tips for improving your ability to concentrate, including strategies for managing distractions, setting priorities, and developing a mindful approach to work.

Why it’s a must-read for Entrepreneurs: As a small business owner, you’re likely juggling multiple tasks and responsibilities on a daily basis. Hyper Focus offers practical advice on how to manage your attention and focus in order to maximize your productivity and get more done in less time. By learning how to manage distractions, set priorities, and develop a mindful approach to work, you can become a more effective and efficient entrepreneur.

Book #3: Getting Things Done by David Allen

Length: 352 pages or 10 hours for audio book

Key Takeaways: In Getting Things Done, David Allen offers a comprehensive system for managing your workflow and getting things done. He introduces the concept of “mind like water,” which involves maintaining a state of relaxed readiness and responsiveness in the face of changing priorities and demands. He also offers practical tips for capturing, processing, and organizing your tasks and projects in a way that enables you to stay on top of your workload and achieve your goals.

Why it’s a must-read for Entrepreneurs: As a small business owner, you likely have a lot on your plate. Getting Things Done offers a comprehensive system for managing your workflow and getting things done in a way that is both efficient and effective. By learning how to capture, process, and organize your tasks and projects, you can stay on top of your workload and achieve your business goals.



As a business coach, Looking for ways to convey how to effectively execute game plans that speak on all levels is vital. These three books provide different yet effective views on productivity, and I highly recommend them for any entrepreneur looking to boost their productivity and streamline their workflow.

But these are just a few of the many great books about productivity out there. I’d love to hear from you – what are some of your favorite business productivity books or writers? Share your thoughts in the comments below, and let’s continue the conversation about the best books on productivity for entrepreneurs.