Camera Shy? This AI tool is Perfect for your Business!

AI allows your creative brain come to life

With AI hitting the mainstream and improving by the minute, new tools are rolling out that small businesses can utilize in their everyday process to gain an advantage over the competition. One service that has recently caught my eye is SYNTHESIA. Synthesia is a text to video AI service where you can type in a script and Artificial Intelligence will generate a video for you to share on social media or you can embed it to your website.  

Synthesia can prove to be a total game changer if you want to incorporate more video into your marketing efforts or daily processes but happen to be a little camera shy. All you have to do is type in your script and in 5-15 minutes you have a video that is ready to be distributed. 

Being camera shy isn’t the only reason to use Synthesia. Shooting and editing your own video is massively time consuming. This service can save you countless hours over the long run. With that being said, I do feel that there are huge advantages to shooting and starring in your business video to create that virtual relationship with your clients and prospects. So a hybrid of both would most likely be your best game plan. 

Enough talk about it let me show you the product and what it looks like. This video was created using Synthesia.

As you will be able to see it may have a slight flaw and is very literal with the text. You can hear it when I wrote “For businesses who would like to incorporate more video into their marketing and/or processes”. She says “and SLASH or”.  This will be improved over time as the AI grows more intelligent, but as long as you are cognizant of this it is an easy work around.  

Some ideas on how you can use Synthesia in your business:

  • Welcome videos-  This is a perfect place for this. You have a new client and you want to send them some welcome content. Video is perfect for this, but spending countless hours shooting and editing a welcome video may not be great ROI. 
  • Repurposing old blog content- Looking to liven up your SEO efforts? Adding video to some older blog content could potentially catapult that content back into the top SERPs
  • Use Synthesia for How-to / Tutorial videos- With video being a leading source of education, this is a great resource for quick efficient videos on how to use your product. I think this one is a massive time saver! 

Just as if you were shooting the video yourself, the possibilities are endless with Synthesia and it is worth checking out if you currently use video in your business or are looking to start.  In full transparency, Instrats is an affiliate partner of Synthesia so if you click on our links throughout this article we may get compensated. Having said that, Synthesia’s potential in the market is paramount by allowing your mind to create content without having to be the star of the video or spending countless hours editing. 

Be sure to check back for more articles on AI Tools, Automation, SEO, and business coaching. You can also subscribe to our Newsletter for regular content on various topics in relation to Small Business.

You can check out Synthesia’s product offering by clicking here :