Conversational SEO: Voice Search Best Practices for Small Businesses

A person using voice search


With the rise of voice-activated devices like Google Assistant, Alexa, and Siri, voice search optimization has become a crucial element of SEO. Voice search is changing the way people search for information online, making it more conversational, and emphasizing long-tail keywords. In this article, we’ll discuss the advantages of voice search and the best practices for voice search optimization that small businesses can implement to stay ahead of the competition.

What are the Advantages of Voice Search?

Voice search provides several advantages over traditional search methods. First, it’s faster and more convenient for users. With voice search, users can search for information hands-free, allowing them to multitask and get answers quickly. On top of that, voice search is more conversational, leading to more natural language queries. Also, voice search emphasizes long-tail keywords, which are more specific and targeted, offering a greater chance of ranking highly for niche queries.

What are some Best Practices for Voice Search Optimization?

  • Target question Keywords and other Long-tail Keywords: When optimizing for voice search, it’s essential to focus on long-tail keywords and conversational language. Rather than optimizing for broad keywords, try to target specific questions that people might ask related to your business, such as “What’s the best life insurance policy for a new family?” or “What home renovation has the highest ROI for sellers?”


  • Use conversational language in your content: With voice search, users tend to use more natural language when searching for information. To optimize your content for voice search, use conversational language in your titles, headings, and content. For example, instead of “Real Estate Investment Tips,” try “What are some great real estate investment tips?”


  • Prioritize Local SEO and Google Business Profile: Voice search queries often have a local intent, so it’s crucial to ensure your business is optimized for local SEO. This includes having an up-to-date Google Business Profile, ensuring your website is mobile-friendly, and including local keywords in your content.


  • Try to capture Google featured Snippets: Google featured snippets are the highlighted boxes that appear at the top of search results. They provide quick answers to users’ queries, making them an excellent opportunity for voice search optimization. To capture featured snippets, ensure your content is concise, clear, and answers users’ questions directly.


  • Optimize for mobile: With the majority of voice searches conducted on mobile devices, it’s essential to ensure your website is mobile-friendly. This includes using a responsive design, optimizing your images, and minimizing load times.


Voice search looks like it will be a huge part of the future of SEO, and optimizing for it is essential for small businesses to stay ahead of the competition. By targeting long-tail keywords, using conversational language, prioritizing local SEO, capturing Google featured snippets, and optimizing for mobile, you can ensure your business is visible in voice search results. With these best practices, your business can take advantage of the many benefits that voice search provides, including increased traffic, higher rankings, and improved user engagement.  All which tend to lead to improved sales, and this is what we are all after right?