Health & Entrepreneurship: How to Achieve a Proper Work-Life Balance When You Run the Show

Silhouette of a person standing in balance pose against a sunset backdrop.

Running a business can be thrilling, but it can also be overwhelming. As an entrepreneur, you wear many hats and juggle countless responsibilities, which can lead to burnoutin not only your prfessional, but personal life too if you’re not careful. But a proper work-life balance is possible, and it’s crucial for your overall health and the success of your business.

The Advantages of a Proper Work-Life Balance

When you achieve a proper work-life balance, you’ll reap a host of benefits. You’ll have more energy, be more productive, and feel more fulfilled. You’ll also have time for the things that matter most, like spending time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, and taking care of your health.

On the other hand, a lack of balance can lead to stress, anxiety, and poor health. It can also hurt your relationships and your business. When you’re constantly working and neglecting your personal life, you’ll eventually burn out, which can set your business back more than anything else.


How to Achieve a Proper Work-Life Balance?

So how can you achieve a proper work-life balance as an entrepreneur? Here are four tips:

1. Set Boundaries Between Work and Personal Life

It is crucial to set boundaries between work and personal life. This means defining your work hours and sticking to them, avoiding work-related tasks during personal time, and creating a workspace that is separate from your living space. It is always a good idea to share how your business is doing with your spouse or partner, but a consistent spillage of your work life into your personal life and your personal life affecting decisions within your business is never optimal.

2. Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is essential for optimal health and well-being. This includes eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and cultivating healthy relationships. Make sure to set aside time for self-care activities that rejuvenate you and keep your body and mind healthy, such as meditation, strength training, yoga, or spending time in nature. By maintaining healthy habits and relationships, you’ll always be ready to operate at your best.

3. Delegate What You Can

As an entrepreneur, you likely have a lot on your plate. However, you don’t have to do everything yourself. Delegate tasks to others or utilize technology when possible. This could mean hiring employees or virtual assistants, outsourcing to freelancers, or automating certain tasks with technology. You simply cannot be at your best when you’re stretched too thin to leverage your strengths. Artists aren’t necessarily skilled at payroll, and bookkeepers may not have the vision or knowledge of landscape architecture. This holds true for many different positions.

Admittedly, this is where I struggle a bit. I have a desire to know everything and possess the ability to complete anything within the confines of my businesses. However, the moment I relinquished this notion, our agency’s processes improved significantly. Every single time, without fail. The key takeaway? Delegate, delegate, delegate.

4. Use Technology to Leverage and Automate Efficient Workflows

For the most part, technology is commonplace within modern businesses. It can assist with a plethora of goals, from accomplishing more tasks in any given day to being a huge asset in achieving a proper work-life balance. Utilize tools like Customer Relationship Management (CRM), scheduling software, project management apps, and automation tools like Zapier to streamline your workflow and save time. These tools will allow you to maintain the personalized touch that every business should aim for, while greatly improving your response time to clients and prospects without the need to be in front of your systems 24/7, which could affect your personal life.

The Long-Term Consequences of Neglecting Work-Life Balance

Focusing solely on your work and neglecting personal life can ultimately lead to burnout. This extreme exhaustion can trigger several health complications, including anxiety, depression, and physical ailments. Additionally, it can negatively impact your business’s profitability, as burnout often results in diminished productivity and motivation.

The Strategic Benefit of Prioritizing Self-Care

Entrepreneurs who prioritize their health and well-being often gain an enormous strategic advantage over their counterparts who don’t. When you give due importance to your health, you’ll notice a surge in energy, heightened productivity, and an improved ability to tackle the challenges associated with running a business. Moreover, by prioritizing self-care, you set a positive precedent for your employees, encouraging them to follow suit.


Achieving a proper work-life balance is essential for your overall health and the success of your business. Doing this will most likely create a sustainable business that allows you to live a fulfilling life. If you’d like to discuss health and entrepreneurship in further detail, schedule a call with us at Instrats by clicking here.


Q: What are some signs that I’m not achieving a proper work-life balance?

A: Some signs that you’re not achieving a proper work-life balance include feeling stressed or overwhelmed, neglecting personal relationships, neglecting self-care, and feeling like you’re never able to take a break.

Q: How can I make time for self-care when I’m busy running a business?

A: It’s important to prioritize self-care activities that are rejuvenating for you, whether that means taking a walk in nature, practicing yoga, or spending time with loved ones. Schedule time for self-care activities just like you would for work-related tasks.

Q: How can I delegate tasks when I’m a solopreneur?

A: As a solopreneur, you may not have the resources to hire employees or outsource tasks. However, you can still hire a virtual assistant and/or automate certain tasks with technology, like scheduling social media posts or automating email marketing campaigns.

Q: How can I be more flexible with my schedule?

A: Being flexible means being willing to adjust your schedule when necessary. This might mean scheduling meetings outside of regular work hours or taking a longer lunch break to spend time with loved ones.

Q: How can I avoid burnout as an entrepreneur?

A: To avoid burnout, it’s important to set boundaries between work and personal life, prioritize self-care, delegate tasks when possible, use technology to streamline your workflow, and be flexible with your schedule.

Q: How can I make sure I’m taking care of my mental health as well as my physical health?

A: Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical health. Practice stress-management techniques like meditation or deep breathing, and seek professional help if you’re struggling with anxiety or depression.

Q: How can I create a workspace that’s separate from my living space?

A: If you work from home, it’s important to create a workspace that’s separate from your living space. This might mean setting up a designated office area or using a room divider to separate your workspace from the rest of your living space.

Q: How can I use technology to streamline my workflow?

A: There are many tools and apps available to help you streamline your workflow, like CRMs, project management apps, scheduling software, and automation tools. Experiment with different tools to find what works best for you.

Q: How can I make sure I’m delegating tasks effectively?

A: To delegate tasks effectively, it’s important to communicate clearly with your team or freelancers, provide clear instructions, and set expectations for deadlines and quality of work.

Q: How can I make sure I’m taking care of myself during busy times?

A: During busy times, it’s important to prioritize self-care activities and make time for them even when you’re busy. This might mean scheduling time for exercise or taking a break to spend time with loved ones.