How Small Businesses Can Use ChatGPT for Competitive Research

Logo of OpenAI's Chat GPT with text 'Competitor Research with ChatGPT?

AI in its short time out there has quickly revolutionized the business world. Small businesses will soon NEED to leverage AI tools to remain competitive. The fact that it can do so many things already on numerous levels really makes me excited for what the future holds. One of the really useful processes I have been using ChatGPT for is competitive research to see what our competition is doing out there. In this article, we will explore a  few ways that any small businesses can use ChatGPT to gather information about their competitors.

  1. Analyze Competitor Websites

ChatGPT can be used to analyze competitor websites and gain insights into their marketing strategies. You can use ChatGPT to analyze the content on competitor websites, including the keywords they are targeting and the type of content they are publishing. This information can be used to improve a your own marketing strategy.

How you can implement: To analyze a competitor’s website using ChatGPT, go to the website and copy the URL. Then, go to the ChatGPT website and paste the URL in the text box. ChatGPT will analyze the website and provide a report on the content.

Benefits of doing this: Analyzing competitor websites using ChatGPT can help small businesses understand their competitor’s marketing strategies, including the keywords they are targeting and the type of content they are publishing. This information can be used to improve a small business’s own marketing strategy and gain a competitive advantage.

  1. Monitor Competitor Social Media

Small businesses can use ChatGPT to monitor their competitor’s social media activity. ChatGPT can analyze a competitor’s social media profiles and provide insights into their engagement rates and the type of content that resonates with their audience.

How you can implement: To monitor a competitor’s social media activity using ChatGPT, go to their social media profiles and copy the URL. Then, go to the ChatGPT website and paste the URL in the text box. ChatGPT will analyze the social media profiles and provide a report on the engagement rates and the type of content that resonates with their audience.

Benefits of doing this: Monitoring competitor social media activity using ChatGPT can help small businesses understand their competitor’s social media strategies and the type of content that resonates with their audience. This information can be used to improve a small business’s own social media strategy and gain a competitive advantage.

  1. Analyze Competitor Reviews

ChatGPT can be used to analyze competitor reviews and gain insights into their customer service and product offerings. Small businesses can use ChatGPT to analyze competitor reviews on websites like Google, Bing, Angi, etc. and identify areas where they can improve their own products and services.

How you can implement: To analyze competitor reviews using ChatGPT, go to the review website and copy the URL. Then, go to the ChatGPT website and paste the URL in the text box. ChatGPT will analyze the reviews and provide a report on the customer service and product offerings.

Benefits of doing this: Analyzing competitor reviews using ChatGPT can help small businesses understand their competitor’s customer service and product offerings. This information can be used to improve a small business’s own products and services and gain a competitive advantage.

  1. Analyze Competitor Advertising

ChatGPT can be used to analyze competitor advertising and gain insights into their advertising strategies. Small businesses can use ChatGPT to analyze competitor advertising on platforms like Google and Facebook and identify areas where they can improve their own advertising strategies.

How you can implement: To analyze competitor advertising using ChatGPT, go to the advertising platform and copy the URL. Then, go to the ChatGPT website and paste the URL in the text box. ChatGPT will analyze the advertising and provide a report on the advertising strategies.

Benefits of doing this: Analyzing competitor advertising using ChatGPT can help small businesses understand their competitor’s advertising strategies and identify areas where they can improve their own advertising strategies. This information can be used to gain a competitive advantage.

Small businesses any  field and industry can use ChatGPT for competitive research easily. While using ChatGPT for competitive research can help small businesses gain a competitive advantage and improve their own products and services, you should always make sure you are using detailed prompts that will help your business. Vague prompts into the ChatGPT system leads to vague and less than desirable results and data. Be specific with the system and it will return the favor. 

Here is a link to an article I wrote earlier that shows the power of prompts: