SEO 101: What are “Keywords”?

Keywords/Longtail Keywords

UPDATE: While this is a great basic explanation of what a keyword is. You can find more detailed information in a recent article about Optimal Keyword Research.  You can click this statement to go to that article. 

Keywords are words or phrases that define the topic of your content. When users search for something online, they use keywords to find what they’re looking for. Search engines use these keywords to identify relevant content and rank it according to relevance. In order to optimize your content for SEO, you should include relevant keywords throughout your content. This will help search engines identify your content and rank it higher in the search results.

For Example: If you are aiming to to rank on the first page for “Auto Insurance” you should find relevant keywords around that topic. Auto Insurance for Retirees, Auto insurance for young drivers, Auto Insurance California are all solid examples of Search Keywords in long tail form. 

We will be sharing how to seek out relevant keywords for your business in future articles so be sure to check back for updates!