Simple Automations Can and Will Benefit Your Insurance Agency.

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Simple automations are likely the solution if you’re looking for strategies to boost efficiency and productivity in your insurance agency.

 Automation is a potent tool that can help your insurance agency optimize processes, cut costs, and enhance the client experience. In this article, we’ll go over the advantages of adding automation to your agency, different automation solutions that are out there, and how to use automation in your insurance business.


What is Insurance Automation?

Automation is the process of having your systems automatically complete what was once considered a manual task or process to improve the time efficiency of your agency. Tasks such as birthday reach outs, or pre-renewal contacts can all be automated thus saving your agency countless hours that can be applied toward other tasks. 

As a whole, automation has been a major player in the insurance industry for the last decade and has really picked up steam in the past 5 or so years. Agencies all over the nation have adopted automations to improve upon their processes in day to day operations. Everything from simple  new business thank you letters, to deeply involved back office compliance related tasks. 

Automation is intended to save time and money for insurance companies, as well as to try and decrease errors and improve the accuracy of the processes and data that are transmitted through your agency. In light of all this, and in the simplest words possible, automation can assist in boosting sales and enhancing client retention, and isn’t that what we’re all after?


What Are Benefits of Automation within your Insurance Agency?

Let’s go through a few terms that any business owner will find pleasing. You’re ready?

  • Time Saving & Efficient
  • Lower Overhead Costs
  • Increased Revenue
  • Simplified and Defined Process
  • Elimination of Errors
  • Improved Customer Service

Automations may be a huge help with each of these crucial issues in any business model when done correctly.

In the insurance industry, automation has numerous advantages. Processes may be streamlined and made simpler by automation, which could also reduce costs and boost customer service. Automation can also help insurance agencies save time and money by decreasing errors and manual entry.  Automation is also known to boost sales and customer loyalty. By using automation to respond to customer inquiries more quickly, insurance companies can enhance their customer experience.


What Tools are available to help with automating your Insurance Agency?

There are a variety of automation tools available to insurance agencies. These tools can help all facets of automating processes. Some of the most popular automation tools for insurance agencies include customer relationship management (CRM) systems, Agency Management Systems (AMS), No code automation tools (Zapier), and many more programs that work  within your current technology. All of these tools can help insurance agencies automate tasks such as customer inquiries, renewal contacts, billing, new lead contacts, etc.

In future articles we will go into further details about specific services and automations you can implement to help your agency. 


Steps to Implement Automation and Best Practices in Your Insurance Agency.

There are a number of actions you may do to get started with automation in your insurance agency. Finding the processes and tasks that can be automated is the first step. Any manual repetitive work carried out on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis  qualifies.

After you have identified these tasks, you can choose the ideal automation technologies for your agency. You must set up the tools and incorporate them into your current systems after choosing them. As soon as everything is set up, you can train your workers on how to utilize the automation tools to make sure they are using them effectively.

I would strongly advise keeping your first few automations simple if you are starting from scratch with them. Birthday SMS and thank-you emails sent after purchasing insurance. So that you can observe how automation operates within your systems and how it frees up staff time. 

Once you have these running smoothly,  going into a more deep process can be explored. You can also consider “done for you services” where a CRM will have built in automations that you can opt into. These are great for starting out and really take a lot of the guesswork out of it for you. 


What Are The Challenges of Automation Within Insurance Agencies?

Although automation can assist insurance agencies greatly, there are certain drawbacks as well. The price of integrating automation is one of the major obstacles we see. The cost of automation has potential to be high, and there could be large up-front expenses when bringing new technology into your business.

Automation can also be challenging to install and may need technical expertise. A done-for-you service may be capable of overcoming this, but then the issue of potential upfront expenses returns.

Finally, improper automation can seriously degrade your customers’ experience. Utilize automation to free up time for MORE PERSONAL communication with your clientele. We see automated agencies all too frequently where the clients are merely speaking to bots, which makes for a less than ideal experience for them. That is something we want to avoid.


Is Automation right for your Agency?

Automation is a powerful tool for insurance agencies. Automation can help streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve customer service. Automation can also help increase sales and improve customer retention.  I believe that in this day and age that every insurance agency would benefit from some sort of automation in their agency. Anything from a simple set of client contacts to something more in depth is to be determined, but leveraging technology to be more efficient with your job is highly advised. 

On our blog and newsletter, we will discuss automation procedures and services on a regular basis. Subscribe if you’d like more insight on some simple but useful automations for your business.