Support Small Businesses: 6 Easy Ways to Make a Huge Difference

Open sign for local business"


As business owners, we all know the sweat and tears that go into building a successful business. We understand the late nights, the sacrifices, and the dedication it takes to get to where we are. Therefore, it is essential to support fellow small business owners who are walking the same path. Here are six easy ways to support small businesses and contribute to a thriving economy.

1) Write a positive review on how the business helped you solve a problem:
  • One of the most effective ways to support a small business is by sharing your positive experience with others. By leaving a positive review on various platforms like Google, Angi, or Trip Advisor you not only boost the business’s morale, but you also provide valuable feedback to potential customers. A glowing review can make all the difference in a potential customer’s decision to use the business’s services.


For example, suppose you had an exceptional experience with a local café. In that case, you can leave a review on Google or Trip Advisor, highlighting their delicious coffee, cozy ambiance, and friendly staff. This review can encourage others to try the café and support the business.


2) Tell your friends and family (become a raving fan):
  • Word of mouth is a powerful tool in the world of small businesses. By becoming a raving fan of a business, you can spread the word and attract new customers. Share your positive experiences with friends and family, and encourage them to try the business’s services.


For instance, if you had a great experience with a local boutique, spread the word to your friends and family who would benefit from the boutiques services. Share pictures of your new outfits on social media and tag the boutique to give them a shoutout.


3) Follow them on social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc.):
  • Social media is a valuable platform for small businesses to connect with their customers and build a loyal following. By following a business on social media, you can stay up to date on their latest promotions, products, and events. This engagement can help businesses grow and reach a wider audience.


4) Positively Engage with their posts (Comments, Shares, Re-tweets, and likes go a long way):
  • Engaging with a business’s social media posts is an excellent way to show support and build a relationship with the business. By leaving positive comments, sharing their posts, and liking their content, you can help the business increase its visibility and reach.


For example, if a local bakery posts a picture of their new bread recipe, leave a comment on how excited you are to try it or share the post with your followers to spread the word.


5) Give the business a shoutout on your Social media pages:
  • Social media shout outs are a fantastic way to show support and help a small business grow. By tagging a business in your posts or stories, you can help them reach a wider audience and gain new customers.
6) Sign up for their newsletters:
  • Signing up for a business’s newsletter is an excellent way to stay informed about their latest products, promotions, and events. By subscribing to their newsletters on Substack, MailChimp, or Beehiiv  you can stay up to date on the business’s latest news and show your support.


It is crucial to understand that supporting small businesses is not just about helping a friend. It is about contributing to a thriving economy. Small businesses play a vital role in creating jobs, stimulating innovation, and driving economic growth. By supporting small businesses, we are investing in our communities and creating a better future for ourselves and our families.

In conclusion, supporting small businesses is really a win-win situation. By following these six simple steps, we can help businesses grow, contribute to a thriving economy, and enjoy the benefits of their services and products. So, let us be each other’s cheerleader and support small businesses as much as we can. After all, we are in this together.