The Importance of Email Marketing for your Business

Email marketing is important in any business

Email marketing is versatile. It is an absolute necessity in any marketing campaign since it gives you the ability to directly target the people you want to reach and with what.

 The ability to  individually target current customers (Cross-sale), prospects who were quoted but didn’t buy (Re-Quotes), customers who left (Winback), and prospects from specific industries with specific messaging make this a tool that yields results. On both the sales and retention side!

The problem is most businesses are not consistent enough with it to fully realize its potential. Creating content for each outgoing message can be extremely time consuming. We will share how to cut this time spent by more than half later in this article. 

Keeping these things in mind, using the wrong tactics or just simply spraying and praying current and/or potential clients can lead to a huge headache that goes way deeper than no results from your campaign. 

For instance, sending messages to and getting in touch with your clientele from your domain address ( should be acceptable. Yet, your domain emails may start to experience deliverability problems if you email market to cold prospect lists like a database of targeted businesses and you end up getting flagged as spam by a number of recipients. Which could make attempting to reach your present clients a nightmare.

This shouldn’t discourage you from email marketing to a colder prospect at all. In fact it should be widely accepted that when email marketing to a group of prospects that there will absolutely be recipients who unsubscribe and even potentially mark you as spam.

 Think about it, Major retailers like Dick’s sporting goods or even Amazon, for example,  send 4 or 5 emails  daily to thousands, maybe even millions of recipients. They more than likely get a ton of unsubscribe requests, but on the other side they are logging a ton of sales from the emails too. What works for one will not always work for another. That goes for consumers too. 

With email marketing to colder prospects, it is important to use a service specific for email marketing. Using a service such as Constant Contact, or Campaign Monitor will not only protect your domain from being marked as spam for all of your emails, they have built in systems that ensure optimal deliverability from the start. 

These services also have  built in paths for your marketing so if someone does interact favorably to your email, it will take them out from receiving the next marketing message which could cause confusion between your business and potential client. Constant Contact also provides a ton of template designs for your emails as well so you can customize as much or as little as you would like. 

There are numerous strategies that can be built around email marketing and/or have email marketing as a complimentary piece. 

An abbreviated example could look like the following:

I have a list of 1000 Electrical contractors in Virginia, and I am aiming to get them interested in my insurance agency.  Here is what I would do with that data. 

Set up an email marketing campaign designed around the message of The rising cost of doing businesses as an Electrical contractor and if they would be interested in hearing how insurance can lower their cost of doing business and improve their profitability. 

If they respond back with a yes, You can have an automated response providing them with a link to a landing page that has a video with preliminary information (Hello Synthesia!). On the landing page, include client/ customer reviews of our business and create a clear call to action button to schedule a call with one of our Electrician insurance specialists. From there, it is on my  sales department to close. 

If they happen to not reply to the first one (most won’t), have a follow up email scheduled giving a little more information and continue to do this until they reply, the campaign has run its course, or they unsubscribe.  

Getting out over our skis here, but with most landing page services,  you can place a Meta (Facebook) or Google pixel on that landing page and if the prospect has ever visited that landing page you can start to directly target them with paid ads (custom audience feature) should you ever want to. We can visit this at a later date. 

I believe that one of the biggest drawbacks of producing a lot of email content for an effective email marketing campaign is that it can require a great deal of time to complete.  This is where ChatGPT enters the room and has completely changed the game for us.  With a few specific prompts AI can write out your whole email campaign within minutes and all you would need to do is plug it into your email marketing service. If it were me, I would also use a paraphrasing tool like Quillbot to ensure it has a more humanistic touch to each email. 

If you haven’t gone down the rabbit hole of ChatGPT yet you may have availability problems, but you can also utilize other AI writing services such as Writesonic or Jasper. I personally have been using Writesonic recently, but all are solid and only getting better. In full transparency  I am an affiliate partner with these services so if you click on the link I may get paid, but that shouldn’t distract from the value they bring to the table.

Realistically, if you took just a couple of hours to bring your idea to life, you could have years of contacts set up and running for you creating revenue, and it has never been easier than it is today!

If you would like to check out and use some of the aforementioned tools to execute a successful Email Marketing Campaign, you can click the links below: